Saturday, January 17, 2009


In this blog,i wanted to get everyones feelings on the pros and cons of legalization of marijuana...
In my opinion,legalization would help the economy in many ways...Would open up many jobs for the cultivation etc. Another would be the money that the government would make off of the sales an taxation of the product..;;
Feel free to add in any thoughts u might have on the subject.....


  1. if you make it readily available to everyone, then it will lead so many people to other things- harder things. they don't call it the gateway drug for nothing. trust me, i'd know. next people will want to make mushrooms legal. they have the same non-addictive (physically) qualities as pot, and i'm sure if i did the research, i'd find a whole lot more in common than just that. but it's just not going to happen. no matter how many stoners or social-smokers want it to be legal, it just won't happen.

  2. UMMM please don't crush my dreams of legalization!!! I think it should be a rule that everyone smoke a little every now and then..there would be a lot less chaos...

  3. You know, I've never done any illegal drugs but I am cool with legalizing marijuana. I still respect the rights of employers to not allow it and think they should be free to test and enforce their policies. I am also for the government testing all those that recieve some sort of public assistance. If I've got to be clean to be able to pay taxes then you've got to be clean to get your welfare check.

    I also believe the government should tax the heck out of these type of items.

  4. exactly...high taxation,would suck..but would be worth it to b able to smoke and not have the worries that come along with it...i saw a program on cnn that focused on california and how it was legal how much money the government was makin off it in taxes etc...there was one individual who ran a "smoke shop" for medical he pays from 900-1 million in taxes a think about that for a min. do the math,how much money do u think that would generate for our economy??

  5. hmmmmm....Jobs,more money going into the economy...happy people throughtout the world...people would consume more food due to the "munchies".Again creating more jobs..Such a great thought eh?
